Our Approach


FC Support

FC Support FC Group

Brings your company and people

Sustainable Health

Our Approach & Tools



The key is leadership

combined with ability to

communicate and implement operationally



"It's all about having the targets and direction firm and clear ...,

and the right people to implement it......"


It's actually quite simple:

1. Make sure you company, managers and key people have a clear and common

view on what you want to achieve

2. Make sure they as leaders are able to answer the questions:

- Is MY wanted Position, Targets and Key deliverables clear?

- What does it mean for me, my departments and staff?

- What is our/my Starting Point and what steps will be nessesary?

- Do we/I have the Competence and Ability for the journey?

- Do I/we have the Resources, Tools and Assets?

- How do we/I collaborate and team-up to make the cross functional processes work well?

- Do I/we have the Leaders? Are they trained, coached and supported enough?

3. Nail the Key 3-5 Success Factors and Key Actions supporting them

4. Drive and Follow-up



FC Support have the Competence, Tools, Experience and Dialogue to secure the

Sustainable financial health


Operational Implementation



(More details, see below)















Process and Tools